We Bought a House!

I wanted to share a little bit about our house buying journey! One day I will get Jourdan on here and together we will put together a collection of first-time home buying tips, things to look for, and things we wish we would have known, but until then I wanted to share a bit about the story.
Jourdan and I knew we wanted to buy a house eventually and after we got engaged in October of 2020, we casually started looking and really looking online (Zillow and HAR were our best friends).
Home buying is such a learning process and knowing there was so much we didn’t know, we just started going to open houses on the weekends. Going into homes we knew we weren’t going to buy felt strange and awkward at first, but it’s so worth it and really a of fun! Going to open houses is how we learned what we wanted from a home. It’s one thing to see a picture on the internet but understanding what you’re actually getting and what that feels like is so important! It was also helpful to speak to the people showing the homes and ask questions.
We started to form a better understanding of what was important to us in a house. We concluded we would really love a 3 bed, 2 bath stand-alone home with a personal driveway and outdoor space somewhere inside the loop (Houston). Closet space and overall storage was another big ticket item on our list. As you know, we like to do a range of different activities and allll that stuff needed a proper home- not to mention all my clothes!!!
While we were enjoying attending open houses, we didn’t expect to realistically make any big moves until later on in the year- that is until we found this place!
Just the day before we had a conversation and asked ourselves “If we happen to stumble upon the perfect place, what would realistically stop us from moving forward?” We couldn’t come up with a reason and as fate would have it, we found that perfect place the very next day.
This was the last open house we went to. I will never forget Jourdan said as we walked in “I think you are really going to like this one” and man was he right! We were not expecting anything to come from it, but once we stepped inside and saw how beautiful it was, and that it checked all the boxes, we completely fell in love and knew we had to move quickly!
We saw the house on Sunday, and that Tuesday we took a chance and put an offer in! After a bit of back and forth (and a lot of shared stress), we were under contract a week later!
We officially closed on our home at the end of February and couldn’t be happier!
We may have only lived here a month, but this house already feels like a home!
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I'm Kate! I'm obsessed with life and set out to make every day magical. I love all things fashion, am a self proclaimed food-ie, continually seeking the next travel adventure with my fiancé, and love a great merlot!
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