We Adopted a Kitten!

Everyone, meet our newest adventure: Atlas! This little ball of fur is roughly 10 weeks old and full of energy. He absolutely loves playtime and adores cuddles. Each day he gets braver and braver and is every bit curious. He has also recently discovered his ability to jump! This has given him his much-desired independence and increased my anxiety level only slightly!
Jourdan and I have wanted our own furry friend for quite some time now and felt we were finally ready and that this was the best time to adopt one. We are home everyday and have extra time to spend on loving him. We can devote the necessary hours needed to play, train, and all around keep-an-eye-on this energizer bunny. We both grew up with cats so we understood the commitment one would require.
While we love dogs and all other animals, we made the decision to adopt a cat based on our active lifestyle. Although we are home around the clock now, our “normal” life involves travel, late nights at work, happy hours, and other inconsistencies inappropriate for any other animal. Cats are somewhat more independent and don’t require daily walks and outdoor potty breaks, so it was just a better fit for us.
We found Atlas (previously named Tenor) through the city of Sugar Land’s Animal Service’s Facebook page. I happened to be scrolling through my feed one night and it was love at first sight! I saw his sweet face and I immediately messaged the shelter and said we were interested.
Sugar Land’s animal shelter, Petopia, is incredible! They took every precaution necessary to operate safely during this time of social distancing and created a smooth and thorough adoption process. Their facilities were very clean and well-kept, and you could feel the love they had for each and every animal in their care.
I first met Atlas in the “Tea Room”, or playroom, and he was this tiny ball of energy that bounced all around the small room. He wasn’t even a little bit shy and was very playful. The staff all loved him and were able to answer all my questions and provided me with as much information on him as they could.
After meeting him I took him home for what they call a “sleepover”. This is a period of 2-3 days to get to know the animal a bit better in your own home, and to ensure they are a good fit for you and you are a good fit for them! The shelter provided us with everything we would need for his stay. We received a “sleep over bag” that included a litter box, litter, a scooper, two bags of dry food, two toys, and three cans of wet food.
There really was not doubt in my mind that the sleepover would go off without a hitch and that this little guy would be ours! We spent the next few days snuggling him, watching as he explored our apartment, and completely falling for his cute little face.
We officially adopted this sweet boy on June 15th!
These days he is a bit more confident and absolutely rules the house. He seems to grow more and more each day and he loves all the attention he gets. He has begun to get more feisty, and lucky for us, is most active around bedtime and 5am.
He is learning new things every day and our hope is that he can one day be our little travel cat. We have started to bring him along on every car ride possible and look forward to the adventures to come.
Welcome home little guy!
hi there!
I'm Kate! I'm obsessed with life and set out to make every day magical. I love all things fashion, am a self proclaimed food-ie, continually seeking the next travel adventure with my fiancé, and love a great merlot!
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