Thanksgiving Might be the Most Important (and most needed) Holiday This Year

This year has been a turbulent and confusing year, and as we approach the holidays we are forced to navigate yet another roadblock to our sacred normalcy. The holidays are typically a time for gathering and intimacy, yet as we begin to plan for the occasion we are forced to acknowledge the big fat elephant in the room.
The COVID-19 pandemic has altered and shaped our world whether we like to believe it or not, and the holidays are unfortunately not immune to this virus.
As much as we would like for the holidays to remain in their pristine, untouched condition, we know that is not our reality. This year we are challenged to rethink and reimagine what we have.
Thanksgiving originated as a time to celebrate and give thanks for the triumph over tragedy, to show gratitude for the harvest, and to show appreciation for our neighbors. This year, of all years, echoes this theme as we continually are forced to persevere.
Thanksgiving is a time (regardless of how many people are around your table) to pause and reflect. On this one day we celebrate what we have instead of focusing on what we don’t as we normally do. We take time to appreciate the little joys in life and show our gratitude for the ones we love. In a year like the one we have had, it is ever so important to appreciate the good things we do have.
Whatever your Thanksgiving Day might look like this year, I challenge you to find at least three things you are thankful for. I truly believe there is good in the world and we are so fortunate even when we feel like we are not.
Each year on Thanksgiving before we dive into our feast, it is our family tradition to go around the table and each share what we are thankful for. To extend this tradition to you, I want to share just a few things I am so grateful for this year.
– My incredible family. Throughout life’s challenges they stand strong and steadfast and will always put others first.
– My fiancé. The fact that he is my fiancé is reason enough to celebrate!!! He is the life of the party and always encourages me to be the best version of myself.
– My health. Health is not something to take for granted, and I am grateful to feel healthy and strong.
Last but not least, I am ever-so thankful for all of you who have followed along with me on this journey that this blog has been in 2020. This started as a place to share my thoughts and jot down ideas, and it has sparked my imagination for the type of creative outlet this could turn in to. I have learned that it takes some seriously hard work, but also makes me jump out of bed in the morning to keep on writing, creating, thinking, and sharing my world.
There are some big plans in the works for 2021 and I can’t wait to share them with you!
I hope you all have a very happy and safe Thanksgiving and remember, there is always something to be thankful for.
– Kate
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I'm Kate! I'm obsessed with life and set out to make every day magical. I love all things fashion, am a self proclaimed food-ie, continually seeking the next travel adventure with my fiancé, and love a great merlot!
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