Sentimental Valentine’s Day Gift Guide – Gifts that don’t break the bank!

With the new year well underway and Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I wanted to share a few gift ideas!
To be completely honest, Valentines day isn’t the biggest holiday for Jourdan and I (and really not his favorite), but I still like to do something small just to let him know how special he is. I typically don’t like to do big or expensive gifts for Valentine’s day, but rather go for things that hold a lot of meaning or sentimental value for the two of us. I think that makes it all the more special and personal. I love to give (and receive) gifts that really mean something!
Here are a few of my favorite Sentimental Valentine’s Day gift ideas (that won’t cost you an arm and a leg):

A Framed Photo of a Special Memory

In today’s day when everything is digital, a printed and framed photo is a sweet way to commemorate a special time or memory the two of you shared. This is a thoughtful way to show the person you love how special that moment in time was. I use the Walgreen’s photo app Picta (also found in the app store) so I can print pictures right from my phone and it usually comes out to less than a dollar! As for the frames, I like to shop the sales at Michael’s but also love how easy it is to order them from Amazon.

A Photo Book

A similar concept to a framed photo, a photo book can be a great option! I made a larger one for Christmas using Shutterfly and it turned out to be a big hit and now sits on our coffee table. Shutterfly offers many different sizes and price ranges. I did an 8X11 of their Simply Modern Photo Book, but I also think their Instant Books are a really cute option!

An Adventure Jar

I gave Jourdan this our senior year of college! What makes this special is the promise of adventures to come. Sometimes the big trip or event isn’t always feasible, but this is a cute way to save up for that thing the two of you have always talked about. We always used to dream up grand adventures (we still do) and any time we had a few extra bucks or change we’d drop it in the jar! It was a really fun and motivating way to save up for something exciting! I wrapped a large mason jar in ribbon and gave it to him with a hand written letter and a few dollars to start.

Framed Map of a Meaningful Place

A framed map of important places in your relationship can sure make for a thoughtful gift! You could give just one map of an important location, or you could give multiple as a way to tell your story. For example: where you met, where you said “I do”, and where you live!  We have a set of three city maps that mean a lot to us. We have Houston – where we are from, where we met, and where we currently live, College Station – where we went to college, and Cape Town, South Africa – one of our favorite places in the world and where Jourdan’s family is from! There are many ways to buy these or have them made (Etsy has a million options) but if you are feeling crafty you can easily make them yourself! When I made ours, I cheated the system- I took snipits of Google Maps on the computer, sized them how I wanted and printed and framed them! I made ours 8X8 squares to hang by our TV.

A Hand-Written Letter

This may seem old-school, but a hand-written letter can be one of the sweetest and most romantic things to give to someone. There is something truly special about putting your thoughts and feelings down on paper for the other person to read. Bonus points if you use stationary or a nice card and envelope (that’s my Southern etiquette coming through).

A Playlist of Your Favorite Songs

Okay now realllly talk about old-school! Think of this as the modern-day mix tape! Everyone loves to listen to songs that makes you smile and think of them, and what better way to share how you feel about someone, than to share it through song! I made Jourdan a Spotify playlist when he was working overseas, and it was a unique way to stay connected and continue to share music, thoughts, and feelings! We found it really comforting while we were apart!
Have other sentimental Valentine’s day gift ideas? Drop them in the comments section – I would love to share them too!! ❤

XOXO, Kate

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I'm Kate! I'm obsessed with life and set out to make every day magical. I love all things fashion, am a self proclaimed food-ie, continually seeking the next travel adventure with my fiancé, and love a great merlot!
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  1. Ann February 8, 2021 at 12:35 pm - Reply

    Great ideas! Sentimental!

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