Our South African Adventure: Kick-off at Omi’s House

Lets just say, this was the trip of a lifetime. Seriously, this is one of those times in life that I hold so dearly and look back on often. Our trip was about 16 days in total, and we were able to see several parts of this beautiful country. 
Some of you may know, but Jourdan and is family are South African, so it was especially touching to see the country from a native’s point of view. This was my second trip, but I was still blown away and in absolute awe. 


Jourdan and I arrived in Cape Town a few days earlier than the rest of our group, which meant we got to spend  some quality time with Omi (Jourdan’s grandmother) and explored the city a bit with a family friend, Kayleigh. 
This photo was taken outside of Omi’s house in Somerset West.
Here we had tea and biscuits with Omi. We are so grateful for quality time with her.
Afternoon walks with Becki (Omi’s pup) were a must!
Omi has a love for bonsai trees and has over (I’m going to get this wrong and be in trouble here..) 300 trees that she cares for. Some are almost 40 years old!
Having Omi to ourselves these first few days was such a treat. We’re so glad we started our trip with a few days at her house. It’s moments like these that are so precious.


Check out the rest of our adventure here!
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I'm Kate! I'm obsessed with life and set out to make every day magical. I love all things fashion, am a self proclaimed food-ie, continually seeking the next travel adventure with my fiancé, and love a great merlot!
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