My Favorite Things About Thanksgiving

I absolutely love the holidays and as I get older, Thanksgiving has turned out to be one of my favorites. I mean what’s not to love: family and food. Can it get any better?
Here are some of the things that make this holiday special for me:
This is one of my favorite aspects of the holiday. I really value having friends and family all together to share and celebrate. This might be tough this year, but it is still my favorite aspect of Thanksgiving.
– A full house. One of my favorite Thanksgivings to date was my sophomore year of college when Texas A&M played LSU at home on Thanksgiving Day. Instead of watching the game from home, we decided to have Thanksgiving in College Station that year! My family, Jourdan’s family, and our respective roommates all gathered together in my small townhouse across from campus. Talk about a full house! I was proud to “host” the day even though our moms were the real MVPs and cooked everything. The memories made that day are still some of my favorite.
The prep time. This might be an odd one to include on this list, but its here for a reason! This part of the day is truly so special and sometimes overlooked. This is the “in-between” part of the day, and to me it is a pocket of time that is always so fun. This is that part of the day before the meal when everything is getting mixed, baked, and set.
The smells in the kitchen are undeniably wonderful, the parade is on TV, and everyone is running around. It might sound chaotic (most times it is), but we get to spend quality time in the kitchen, working and laughing together. I have so many fun memories growing up of helping set the table, mix the corn bread, and getting to help my mom bake desserts.
– The Food (obviously). Everyone has their favorites, but mine is undoubtedly my mom’s sweet potato casserole. This is hands down the best thing you could ever eat. You just can’t beat the fluffy sweet potatoes topped with a sweet, crunchy, sugary topping.
I’m a firm believer that calories don’t count on Thanksgiving and this is a day it’s okay to indulge a bit. I also love learning about everyone’s favorite Thanksgiving dish and all the variations of the classics.
– To hear what everyone is thankful for. One of my family’s traditions is to share what we are thankful for before digging into our meal. We do this every year, and we go one by one around the table and share all about the good in our lives.
This is one of my favorite things, and the reason for the celebration. We all live such busy lives, but this is a wonderful time to slow down and reflect on just how fortunate we all are.
Most years, we also make some kind of “thankful craft”. This is a tradition my mom and aunts started when we were all little. Typically, it is some sort of keep sake and a place to write memories of the year and things we are thankful for. It is so much fun to look back over the years and remember all the fun times. Last year we made a “thankful jar” and I still keep it out in my house today!
Thanksgiving is special for many reasons, and I could go on and on about what I love about this day. It’s so unique to each person and family, so whatever your traditions are, and whatever makes thanksgiving special to you, I hope you have a good one!
– Kate
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I'm Kate! I'm obsessed with life and set out to make every day magical. I love all things fashion, am a self proclaimed food-ie, continually seeking the next travel adventure with my fiancé, and love a great merlot!
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