Life is Goood in POC

It has been two months of social distancing and “quarantining” at home, but we finally got some much needed social interaction! Never again will I EVER take time spent with friends for granted!! Texas has slowly begun to open back up again, and stores, restaurants, and even nail salons are operational at 25% capacity. In lieu of rushing out to our favorite bar (as much as we still want to) we spent the weekend retreating, relaxing, and breathing in the salty air of Port O’Connor. The weekend was spent safely and appropriately distanced with some of our favorite people, and we had the privilege of celebrating our friends Carley and Chandler’s birthdays. It’s funny, this new world – we now find ourselves feeling as though we need to justify our social decisions (maybe that’s just me), and I can assure any skeptics reading this that no decision to interact was made lightly.
I have a theory that salt water can cure anything, and good company can solve the world’s problems so the fact we were privy to both was more than what we could have hoped for during these unique times. Friday night was spent catching up and laughing at the famous Bay Street Bar. The one and only! This is the built-from-the-ground-up masterpiece constructed by the Waters family and could tell more than a few stories if the walls could talk. If you have ever been lucky enough to experience this one of a kind place you know just what I am talking about! The neon lights, beer signs, and people make this more-than-just-a-garage-bar feel like home. They are never in short supply of a cold drink, and never in short supply of a good laugh. Depending on the DJ that night you might even catch a Dixie Chicks or Shania song if you play your cards right.
Within the four walls of this place, we gathered around the hand built bar and caught up on the last two months of life and quarantine. While sipping Jourdan’s personalized cocktail of the night, we shared stories, laughed at inside jokes, and reminisced about our college days.
Saturday was spent doing much of the same – I hadn’t laughed that much in a long time. Although the weather was not the warmest or sunniest, we all jumped on the family boat “Unreel”, and set out for the bay. Breathing in that fresh, salty air and feeling the wind in your face does wonders for the soul.
My favorite seat on the boat is right up front at the bow – I can see everything and it’s the closest I’ll get to a roller coaster any time soon.
We spent the afternoon walking the beach, picnicking, and checking the crab traps – if anyone asks we caught crabs for daysss. Shout out to Crabby Waters Inc.!
The excitement of the afternoon on the water was followed by the famous Bay Street Bar make-your-own-pizza night, and you won’t find anything else like it. This is a full production and some of the best pizza I have ever had. You start by rolling out your dough and loading it up with all your favorite toppings and pop it in the wood fired pizza oven. There is something truly mouth watering about watching your pizza slowly spin around on that ceramic stone and bubble up from the heat of the fire.
Of course the night is not complete without the accompanying snacks and desserts, and believe me, there were plenty of them!
The trip may have been a quick one, but as we sat around the fire I couldn’t help but think of how lucky we were.
Thank you to the Waters family for being the best hosts always. Until next time ~
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I'm Kate! I'm obsessed with life and set out to make every day magical. I love all things fashion, am a self proclaimed food-ie, continually seeking the next travel adventure with my fiancé, and love a great merlot!
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