All About Alabaster

Let me tell you something… once the home projects begin, they don’t ever seem to stop! Someone told us that when we bought our house, and they were definitely right!
After Jourdan and I completed the half bathroom remodel downstairs and proved we could handle home improvement projects (it was a small space to test our DIY skills), we decided to move onto a bigger job and begin the revamping of our bedroom! We knew painting was the first step.
We tossed the idea around for a few weeks and when we found ourselves on a Friday night with no other weekend plans- we said “what the heck, let’s do it!”.
We justified our decision to paint the room by reasoning that this was the right time to take on this project – we haven’t decorated in there since moving in, and we planned to get a new set of furniture soon.
The spontaneity of the decision to go forth with the project made it so much fun and we decided to really make a weekend out of it (not just because we knew it would take us all weekend).
Here are a few before pictures! We only had our bed, side tables, dresser, and TV to move.
Once everything was moved out of the room, we prepped the space by taping all the base boards (this was not my favorite part) and lay paper on the floors to protect the hardwood.
Pizza and beer definitely helped the situation!
Next came the most challenging part- choosing the color!!!!!
We knew we wanted to swap the existing builder’s grade grey for “white”, but holy moly there are so many white colors to choose from. The spectrum of white goes from warm to cool tones with thousands of shades in between. We were originally thinking of painting the room Swiss Coffee by Behr, because this was the color we used in the half bathroom. We liked that it was a warmer shade, but after some research we decided to switch over to Sherwin Williams paint based on their higher quality selections.
We were confident in this decision to switch over, however, this opened up a whole new can of worms in terms of color selection. We spent our fair share of our Saturday morning in the Sherwin Williams store.
Talk about overwhelming!
We ultimately selected the popular color: Alabaster. This color has grey/beige undertones that read like a warm, creamy, and crisp white. Fittingly, this color was named as Sherwin William’s Color of the Year in 2016 and signifies “new beginnings”.
After going to 5 of our local Sherwin Williams stores, and learning more than we could imagine about the national paint shortage, we finally were able to buy 5 gallons of my new favorite color (Alabaster is my new favorite color- am I an adult yet?).
With a bag of Cheetos and a vodka Redbull in hand (to answer the question above; maybe not), we were ready to get this paint on the walls! I told ya we were making a time out of this!
Once we got started, we painted through until about midnight- thank you Redbull.
We woke up Sunday to a bright, and beautiful room that feels fresh and new.
We were so in love with how this fresh color transformed the room we decided to take on our guest room with the left-over paint!
So now we have two freshly painted rooms just waiting to be fully decorated! We have big plans for our room, so stay tuned as we journey to create a perfectly curated space reflective of ourselves and our life!
~ Kate
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I'm Kate! I'm obsessed with life and set out to make every day magical. I love all things fashion, am a self proclaimed food-ie, continually seeking the next travel adventure with my fiancé, and love a great merlot!
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  1. Ann February 4, 2022 at 6:49 am - Reply

    Great job! Looks amazing!

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