Hi Friends,

My name is Kate! Although I also go by Katy and my real name Kathleen. I am in my mid twenties and live in Houston, TX with my Fiancé Jourdan and our cat Atlas. I am a Texas A&M graduate (whoop!!) and when I’m not blogging, I work in health care. I love travel, fashion, friends, family, and a good glass of wine. I am incredibly passionate about adventure and finding the good in every day.

Some of my favorite things are discovering new places, learning about a new culture, and that amazing feeling when you put together the perfect outfit – you know what I’m talking about!

I first set out to create a blog that was centered only around travel, but quickly realized that was not the only thing I was passionate about. I instead wanted to create a place to explore, indulge, and most importantly, celebrate those everyday moments that make life wonderful. The year 2020 taught me to appreciate the little things in life and celebrate the joys – no matter how big or how small. I truly believe that you can make every day noteworthy.

One way I like to make each day feel special is through the clothes I wear. I am no expert, but I love fashion and I love creating a look that I can feel proud of. I may only be running to the grocery store, but getting up and getting dressed has the power to turn the day from drab to fab! On that note, I really am a firm believer that clothes have the power to change the outlook on your day and set you apart from others. It is a beautiful way to celebrate yourself! My personal style is classic, girly, and casual, and my favorite accessory is a bright MAC lipstick (something I never leave home without). My favorite places to shop are Anne Taylor Loft, Nordstrom’s, and Target. I am definitely a bargain girl, but every now and then I can’t help but splurge on something as a treat!

As I mentioned before, one of my passions is travel. Exploring and learning about our world is so exhilarating and addicting! Some of my favorite memories have been made while traveling and I am constantly planning for more. One of my favorite places (I have so many favorites) is Paris. I will forever adore the city and I’m always looking for a way to get back – I would move there if I could! I have also grown to love the adrenaline high from the more action packed adventures (thank you Jourdan!!!). One of my most memorable and thrilling experiences while traveling was when we went cage diving with great white sharks off the coast of South Africa. This was one of those epic “face your fears” stories (you can check out the video here).

Whether it’s fashion, travel, hosting parties, or discovering a new restaurant, I genuinely love life and think there is always something positive to be taken from each experience. I have always believed in turning even the most mundane things into something memorable. Life is more fun with a positive mindset, and I set out each day to make it the best one yet.

As I continue on this journey, I hope to utilize this space to connect with you, share what makes me happy, and take you along on all our adventures. Thank you so much for joining and following along in this extraordinary life!



Questions For Kate

Thank for your question! i am compiling all questions and will answer them in a future post!
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